Warblogs in Iraq

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Nobody can deny today the current importance and popularity of the Internet. In the 21st century more and more people are getting involved with this technology each day; and it means that we are creating a new society, a new way of communicating and a different method to create and distribute information.

Weblogs are a quite recent but very popular phenomenon through which everyone can easily create his own information and publish it on the Internet. Warblogs appeared after the S-11 terrorist attacks in New York, when the invasion of Afghanistan started. It was the beginning of a new way of journalism that combines the traditional war report and the advantages of the blogging technology. The II Gulf War, then called the Internet war, was, without any doubt, the origin of a blog revolution. Journalists, soldiers or just Iraqi citizens demonstrated through their writings on the Net the human face of a modern war.


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